Recipes from Ulichka







Recipes from Ulichka Recipes from Ulichka

Recipes from Ulichka. Fish:

Sea bass in a pita  

Cooking time  60 min.


Sea bass  2 pieces
Lavash (thin)  2 pieces
Lemon  2 pс
Butter  50 gr
Salt  to taste
Pepper  to taste
Garlic  4 сloves

Very simple, but delicious, easy to serve fish in individual envelope. The sea bass has very little bone and tasty meat.


1. Clean sea bass from scale, purely from the innards, remove the gills and eyes, well washed.

2. Rub the fish with salt, garlic and pepper inside and out. 

3. Put a slice of lemon inside the fish.

4. Oil pita with butter.

5. Put the fish on pita, wrap envelope and bake at 180 degrees 35-40 minutes

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