Recipes from Ulichka







Recipes from Ulichka Recipes from Ulichka

Recipes from Ulichka. Vegetable Dishes:

Mushrooms with cheese and sesame seeds  

Cooking time  50 min.


Mushrooms (fresh)  9-10 pc
Garlic  2 cloves
Sesame  2 teaspoons
Сottage cheese  100 gr
Cheese (hard)  80 gr
Vegetable oil  1 tablespoon
Salt  to taste
Pepper  to taste

1. Champignons wash, cut legs.
2. Prepare the stuffing: stipe crush, mix with curd and passed through a garlic press. Sesame seeds dry in the pan, so it just lightly browned and let the oil. Add sesame seeds in the stuffing. All salt and pepper.
3. Cap to dump meat.
4. Mushrooms sprinkle worn on a fine grater hard cheese (cheese is lightly pressed against the fungus utrambovyvaya).
5. Oiled baking sheet, put the cap up cheese and bake 40 minutes at a temperature of 180 - 200 degrees.

Comments 2

30.01.2012 12:09
Очень красиво выглядит и можно себе представить КАК вкусно! Спасибо большое:) Попробуем обязательно!
01.02.2012 21:07
Солнце, рада, что блюдо приглянулось Вам!

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