Recipes from Ulichka







Recipes from Ulichka Recipes from Ulichka

Recipes from Ulichka. Salad:

Salad rolls of trout, tomato and arugula  

Cooking time  30 min.


Аrugula  1 bunch
Tomato  6 pcs.
Philadelphia cheese  50 gr
Trout (salted)  100 gr
Vegetable oil  1 tbsp
Honey  1 tbsp
Mustard  1 tbsp
Lemon juice  1 tbsp
Salt  to taste
Dill  2 tbsp

Very colorful and tasty salad with arugula (my favorite :)) I used ready-made fish cuts. Tomatoes need to take real, smelling the summer, or use cherry tomatoes. Cheese Philadelphia can be easily replaced by any unsalted cream cheese.

Preparation (for 2 servings):

1. Trout cut into thin layers (or use a ready-cut.) Each piece of fish spread with cheese and roll up into a roll. Cover with foil and put the rolls for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.

2. Arugula tear the leaves. Tomatoes cut into slices. Mix tomatoes and arugula in a salad bowl.

3. Prepare the filling: Mix the honey, mustard, oil, lemon juice and salt. Emulsify well, then add the chopped dill.

4. Fish rolls cut in half and put it on the leaves of arugula and tomatoes. Drizzle with salad dressing. Bon Appetit!

Comments 1

10.09.2012 10:30
Салат заслуживает высшей премии в номинации "Быстро и ООООчень вкусно!". 10 баллов из 10!

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