Recipes from Ulichka







Recipes from Ulichka Recipes from Ulichka

Recipes from Ulichka. Salad:

Salad with mushrooms, peppers and parmesan cheese  

Cooking time  30 min.


Lettuce leaves  6-8 leaves
Mushrooms (fresh)  300 gr
Tomato  2 pcs
Parmesan cheese  20 gr
Paprika  2 pcs
Ginger (fresh)  1 tsp (grated)
Lemon juice  1 tsp
Vegetable oil  3 tablespoons
Sugar  0,5 tsp

1. Champignons cut thin slices and fry in vegetable oil.  Add the grated ginger to mushrooms, salt to taste. Mushrooms boil for some time in their own juice not fry to a crisp, keep them soft.

2. Put bulgarian pepper on the grid and bake in oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees. Get pepper from the oven for three minutes to put in the package, give it hot to sweat to peel easily removed. Then clean the peppers from the seeds and peel. Cut into pieces.

3. Cut tomatoes into slices.

4. Tear lettuce leaves into pieces with hands

5. Parmesan cut into thin wafers (to make chips)

6. Prepare salad dressing: mix lemon juice and sugar, vegetable oil.

7. Mix lettuce, mushrooms, tomatoes, peppers. Drizzle with dressing and mix. Top with Parmesan shavings.

Comments 2

17.10.2011 10:42
Эксклюзивное блюдо и исходя из ингредиентов должно быть вкусное! Можно описать вкусовые впечатления?
28.10.2011 00:41
Том, вкусовые ощущения - грибы приятно острые, печеный перец получается очень нежный, ну и пармезан говорит сам за себя для тех, кто его любит)))

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