Recipes from Ulichka







Recipes from Ulichka Recipes from Ulichka

Recipes from Ulichka. Meat:

Meatloaf with mushrooms and bacon  

Cooking time  1 h. 30 min.


Pork  600 g (tenderloin)
Bacon  200 g
Forest mushrooms  400 g
Mustard  1 tbsp
Salt  to taste
Pepper  to taste
Vegetable oil  3 tbsp
Dill  to taste


1. Cut pork tenderloin lengthwise, but not completely, to reveal the meat like a book. Recapture the meat on both sides, cover with cling film, not to tear the meat. Season with salt and pepper on both sides.

2. Boil the mushrooms in two waters, chop and fry in vegetable oil.

3. Spread the meat with mustard

4. Put the mushrooms to the meat.

5. Roll the meat.

6. Bacon divided into two parts. The first half of the foil strips lay next to each other, slightly overlapping, to get the basics along the roll. Lay the roll on bacon. The second half of the strips of bacon on top of roll wraps, also strips laid slightly overlapping. Lift the edges of the foil and wrap the foil roll.

7. Bake in a 200 degree oven for about an hour.

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