Recipes from Ulichka







Recipes from Ulichka Recipes from Ulichka

Recipes from Ulichka. Dishes with Seafood:

Lacy crepes with shrimp and squid  

Cooking time  50 min.


Kalmar  500 gr (raw)
Shrimp (boiled)  100 gr
Tomato  2 pcs.
Ginger powder  0,5 tsp
Sugar  1 tsp
Сognac  1 tablespoons
Salt  taste
Lettuce leaves  1 bunch
Vegetable oil  3 tablespoons


Milk  0,5 l
Eggs  3 pcs.
Flour  200 gr
Sugar  1 tsp
Salt  taste


1. Prepare the dough for the pancakes: Mix (can use electric mixer, but do not beat the foam), eggs and milk, add flour  (avoid lumps formed). Fry pancakes in oil, you can use a piece of lard (pin-prick on the fork and coat the hot pan. The dough is poured a thin stream of making the grid. I used a plastic bottle with a lid feeder cup of mineral water, it is convenient to adjust the jet pressure of the dough.

2. Preparing the filling: Peel Squid and remove the entrails. Entire carcass squid fried in hot oil. In the process of frying squid stand out from the raw liquid, when it begins to digest, add cognac, sugar, ginger and salt. When the squid are ready, pull them out and cut into strips. In the same oil, grilled squid, add boiled shrimp and lightly fried. Tomatoes remove seeds, cut into cubes, drain the juice. Mix the filling: squid, shrimp, tomatoes.

3. Form pancakes: lay the lettuce on the lacy pancake, then filling, turn roll. Pancakes are very tender and pancakes will not be tight rolls. Lacy pancakes can be replaced on ordinary pancakes and then twist tightly. Bon Appetit!

Comments 5

03.08.2011 09:45
Прикольная идейка с дырявенькими блинчиками :)
04.08.2011 20:49
на здоровье!
24.10.2011 14:31
сложно такие кружева печь! и долго! короче у меня не получилось, сделал обычные.
28.10.2011 00:47
вася, я думаю вкус от этого не пострадал))) но кружевные красиво и радуют глаз
12.04.2012 13:24
очень эффектно выглядит. Я подумала, что нужен специальный инструмент для вырезания.

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