Recipes from Ulichka







Recipes from Ulichka Recipes from Ulichka

Recipes from Ulichka. Meat:

Baked meat  

Cooking time  4 h. 0 min.


Pork (meat)  1-1,2 kg
Carrots  1 pc.
Garlic  3 cloves
Salt  1 tsp
Pepper  taste
Mustard (with seeds)  2 tablespoons
Soy  4 tablespoons
Honey  1 tablespoon
Vegetable oil  3 tablespoons

Garlic pass through the press, add salt, pepper, finely crushed bay leaf. Carrot cut into long thin strips. Make a hole with a knife in the meat, poking holes in some carrots in the other - garlic mixture. Lard meat on all sides.

Prepare the marinade: soy sauce, mustard, honey. Pour on meat and leave to marinate, it is better at night, can be two hours, turning meat occasionally. Pour oil the shape for baking with vegetable oil, bake for an average of 3 hours, first at a temperature of 220 degrees, when everything comes to a boil and became fierce reduced to 180 grams. I usually cook in a frying pan with a lid, so do not wrap in foil when cooking in the pan, then you need to wrap in foil, so as not burnt, but in the end to remove the foil to make the crust. Watch as meat, do not fry very important, but the inside has had time to prepare.

Comments 1

29.12.2010 16:05
Делала - олучилось просто объеденье, а не буженина. Ушла за один день :-)) Благодарю а столь простое и очень вкусное блюдо!

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